Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Have a great day starting now.

Dear Clients,

On behalf of Future Unincorporated, I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to

We really enjoyed our time with you and hope that you feel sure that your purpose in life awaits you.
If you would like to review your experience, you can do that HERE.

HOWEVER, please don't live in the past. Visit to make a follow up appointment, to read about our services, and to find online enlightenment.

Some follow-up questions to consider:
Do you feel better now that you have branded something?
Are you less confused about your plans now that you told a professional what they are?
Does incorporation still sound THAT BAD?
Can you imagine a new best possible scenario for 2012?

Feel free to respond with any or all of your responses.
Thank you again for the conversation, and we hope that it helped you to locate your future potential inner incorporation, and that you will have a teleconference with him/her/it very soon.

On behalf of our team of caring professionals,
Have a great day from now on!

Your Potential Consultation.

Hello Potential Clients,
I write you on behalf of the staff at Future Unincorporated, a consulting company temporarily located in the window-front office of 3rd Ward in Bushwick.

We would like to congratulate you for creating the opportunity to engage with us about your future!!!
We believe that everybody's individual futures add up to the greater tomorrow. In order to maximize your potential role in the future, we recommend that you incorporate. As an individual you are granted much less power than you might be as a commercial entity. In order to locate your best dimension in the corporate future, we would like to lead you through a series of questions and exercises that will invigorate your truest infrastructure, eliminate your stale inner bureaucracy, and organize a deep down sense of wholeness so you can be the deep non-profit that you know you are already becoming.

Please email our staff to make an appointment to set these wheels in motion. Visit to learn more about our goods and services.
To your future!
Cassie Thornton, BFA
Future Manager, CEO, Intern
Future Unincorporated