Saturday, December 22, 2007

We wish you a bright future!

Happy holidays from The Future, Uninc.
Last night some of the staff got together for a little Christmas party.
The moon was very bright, and the sky was filled with stars...
There was even a rumor that one of the workers saw the constellation Orion!
We are sorry you couldn't make it-- it wasn't the same without you.
Don't worry, next time you can bring the Gloggi! Haha!

More importantly, there have been some changes to the schedule.
Please make an appointment before visiting the office during the holiday week.


Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Recent Renovations to the Office

The long awaited walls were installed today at the office. It seems that the architects that had been hired were incompetent, but finally we found a local interior designer who could do the job for half the price. It turned out that we couldn't cover all the walls we had planned to because of the water damage from the fire a few years ago, but the office environment has really improved.
Pictured above is the front desk area, with that beautiful sky light. You can also see an authentic pulley from the original time machine system.
Here is the waiting area that doubles as a childcare center for the staff. On the left is the new staircase that was installed yesterday. We hadn't realized how unsafe the office was until one of the employees fell into the well yesterday. Luckily we were able to replace the whole thing immediately. It could have been a real nightmare with the insurance company if it had happened to the wrong person. We were really lucky.
Here is the original door handle, hand carved birch, that we have chosen to leave.
This is the old time machine pump (kerta kone pumpata?) that has been dormant since the fire. We are getting quotes in town to see if we can get her up and running again before the winter is over.

American Traditions in Finland

Yesterday was Wednesday, now known as Donut Day in Haukivuori. As the corporation has been adapting to accommodate Finnish traditions, (especially since the grand opening will take place within the Christmas season, the original timeline has gone out the window-- THREE days for Christmas?) we thought we would share a little sample of our where we come from with our clientele.
Traditions of OFFICE CULTURE:
Donut Day Wednesday
Dress down Friday (jeans are ok, no tube tops!)
Take your daughter to work day
The Office Christmas Party
The Going Away Party (two types)
a) you have been let go
b) you have quit
The Future Uninc. will do its best to represent these traditions with as much authenticity as possible. Office hours have been posted and will be maintained throughout the holiday season unless otherwise mentioned.

To Consult is...

At Future Unincorporated, consulting is a two sided word. To consult is to give or to take advice or information. We take this duality seriously, and we bring it to the office.

When we consult our customers, we ask as many questions as we can, because we care about people and we believe people will exist in the future.

Yesterday we had a chance meeting with Birgitta, a fellow Consultant from the nearest city, Mikkeli. We asked her how Finnish people talk about the business of the future.

Consulting Company=Konsultointi Firma
to consult=konsultoida

It was a great opportunity to speak with someone in our field. I am sure we will be able to offer each other a lot of advice and information about our special expertise. Hopefully we will not have to compete with her for clients.

The objective of the corporation is to consult with Finns about their future. First we must get a client base. The process begins with putting out invitations to the community, though we don't speak the same language. So Future Unincorporated must make our good intentions clear.

Once an appointment is made, each customer will be invited to the office in the forest for a 'getting to know you' interview. After a basic measurement of the community is taken this way, we will make predictions about the future (tulevaisuus). Our hope is that the interview itself will cause each person to imagine and describe their own timeline, and will subsequently lead them to visualize themselves as part the future of Finland and of the world.

Each client will receive a receipt after the meeting.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Introduction to the Future

This blog is a journal that will document the process of starting The Future Unincorporated, a homeless corporation in Haukivuori, Finland. I am an artist in residence at Saksala Artradius for December 07/ January 08.

The Future Unincorporated is a corporation operated by one employee. It is a consulting firm, and it will be temporarily based in a building on the edge of the forest in Haukivuori. The main focus of the corporation will be to create a conversation about the future of Haukivuori and the world with people that live here.After a few weeks of wandering in the forest looking for the most appropriate space for a Consulting Firm, I found a small abandoned house just southwest of my residence. It was an old pump house built on top of the well. A fire had burned a hole in the roof (making a very nice skylight) and ruined the pump, causing the building to be abandoned for a few years. It will be a great office. A real fixer-upper, but it already has some of its old snap back. It is permanently under repair, but open during construction.

Please forgive our appearance while we adapt our shack to serve you better.