Friday, January 18, 2008

Interview Profile: Kaick

We met Kaick on our first day in Haukivuori. We were introduced at a Christmas Fair in the village gym, and Kaick drove us back to the office and gave a quick tour of the area on the way.

Kaick is a psychiatric nurse. He drinks coffee for breakfast. It is preground coffee, bought at a local market imported from Germany. He explained many expectations for Haukivuori, Finland, and the world in terms of population, natural disasters, food politics, and he also has a plan for what he will do in his own personal future.Predictions of Kaick:
1. Population of Finland doubles in 30 years due to Western European migration out of urban areas.
2. Food production ban/ import-export ban: This includes sea fishing worldwide. This is one of Kaick's hopes- he expects that it is possible in 25 years (that we need that much time to realize the necessity of the ban).
3. In 10 years there will be much larger natural disasters than we have experienced before, where millions of people die.
4. Kaick will work at his job for 10 more years and then retire. He will travel in the winters, saving February and March for ice fishing.

Please click on the notes below to read my expansion on the original notes.

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